Friday, August 26, 2011

Adventure #1: the Oregon International Airshow

While browsing the Oregon International Airshow website last week, I read:

Margaret Teufel Day
On Comcast Sunday, the Oregon International Air Show, presented by Standard TV & Appliance will continue its tradition of honoring special needs children by providing free Comcast Sunday admission to various non-profit organizations including the Special Olympics, The Portland MS Society, the Oregon Youth Authority, and the Make a Wish Foundation. If you have a child you would like to be included in this day, please contact the Air Show office via email or call us at 503-629-0706. 

 Well, I sent them an email Saturday afternoon and was shocked with a call Sunday morning that they were holding tickets for us!  So off we went, on Sunday, August 21st on our first adventure:  the airshow.

The airshow with a child with Autism can be tricky.  It is really loud, crowded, and in late August, super hot.  Right from the beginning though, the event for special needs kids was really well organized.  We had parking passes that allowed us to park on the air field right across from all the display planes.  We looked at all the planes and military vehicles and Owen was nearly recruited into the Army.  Noah wasn't really interested in this part.  He just enjoyed his box of raisins while we pushed him around in his special stroller.

Next, we went to watch the actual show.  With the Margaret Teufel passes we had reserved seats and a provided lunch of hot dogs, chips, and bottled water.  Best of all, the planes were taking off right in front of us.  Noah still didn't care...until the big military jets took off.  I am pretty sure if he wasn't already wearing a diaper, he would have peed his pants.  It scared him, but Owen was loving it.  We stayed to watch a few more planes and Noah grew no more interested.  He may not have gotten much out of the planes but I think he really enjoyed being out with his family. 

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